Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Fange an, die Simpsons zu spielen

   Fange an, die Simpsons zu spielen
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Bist Du ein Fan der Zeichentrickserie Die Simpsons? Hier gibt es gratis Simpsons Spiele! Suche Dir das Spiel heraus, das Dir am besten gefällt. Fange gleich an und spiel Simpsons-Spiele, in denen Du mit Homer Simpson die unmöglichsten Touren machst. Du kannst schon gleich jetzt Simpsons online spielen!

Simpsons Ball of Death

Es ist immer etwas los bei der Familie Simpson. Spiel hier die neuesten Abenteuer, wie zum Beispiel das halsbrecherische Simpsons Ball of Death, ein Online-Spiel in dem Du Homers Lieblingsnahrungsmittel, wie Donuts, Dosen Bier, Milk-Shakes und dergleichen sammeln musst um ins nächste Level zu kommen. Aber pass auf, in jedem Level gibt es auch ein Hindernis, wie Backsteine oder Schraubenschlüssel, wodurch Homer verunfallt. Mit der Leertaste startest Du schon mal die Maschine, mit der Pfeiltaste nach oben beschleunigst du, mit der nach unten bremst du, und zu den Seiten lenkst Du Homers Motorrad durch die Todeskugel. Vorsicht, fahr nicht zu langsam, sonst fällt Homer die Maschine auf dem Kopf! Wusstest Du schon, dass Du unsere Simpsons-Spiele gratis spielen kannst?

Wir bieten verschiedene gratis Simpsons-Spiele an, in denen Du Dir nach Herzenslust die Zeit vertreiben kannst. Ein anderes kostenloses Simpsons-Spiel, das Du online spielen kannst ist Wrecking with the Simpsons, ein verrücktes Spiel in dem Du Homer helfen musst, seine Familie aus den Händen der Polizei zu befreien. Homer nahm dazu das Erste, das ihm auf den Weg kam, nämlich einen Kran mit einer Abbruchbirne. Ziel ist es, das Auto der Polizisten so zu treffen, dass es umfällt. Je weiter Du den Kleinbus wegschießt, desto mehr Punkte sammelst du. In jedem Level wird der Abstand zwischen dem Kran und dem Kleinbus größer. Du steuerst den Kran und die Abbruchbirne mit den Pfeiltasten. Natürlich kannst Du alle unsere Simpsons-Spiele kostenlos online spielen.

Wir fügen unserer Seite regelmäßig neue Simpsons-Spiele hinzu, damit es immer etwas Neues für Dich zu entdecken gibt. Viel Spaß!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Health Benefits of Naturally

    Health Benefits of Naturally

Promotes detoxification:
 Ramadan acts as a  detox for our body.Processed foods contain lots of additives that may become toxins are released.Theliver,kidneys and other organs in the body are involved in detoxification.
Rests digestive function:
During fasting,the digestive organs rest.The Physiologicl functions continue such production of digestive secretions of digestive secretion but at reduced rates.This exercise helps to maintain balance of fluids in the body.

Boosting of  Brain:
A group of scientists carried out a study in the USA found that the psychological Ramadan fasting increases the levelof brain-derived neurotrophic factor which improves function.The brain-boosting powers of Ramadan are even more significant.
Promotes weight loss:
Though fasting promotes weight loss but it is not good weight loss strategy.Fasting promotes rapid weight reduces the store of fats in the body.Wight loss is a passive effect of fasting.
Absorbs more nutrients:
By not eating throughout the day during Ramadan,metabolism becomes more efficient meaning the amounts of nutrients absorb froum food improves. This is because of an increase in a hormone called adponectin,which is produced by acombination of  fasting and eating late at night,and allows your muscles to absorb more nutrients.This will lead to health benefits all around the body.

Defeats detrimental habits:
Ramadan is the perfect time to overcome bad habits like smoking,nicotine,sugary foods etc.Abstaining from them,our body can gradually acclimatize to their absence.

Enhances healthy life styles:
Ramadan promotes healthy food habits and life styles.In Ramadan people usually eat healthier food that richer in nutrients but lower in calories.Ramadan also promotes desire for natural foods especially water and fruits etc.
As we fast during day time,we can concentrate more on our works.Foods that we eat take time to convert into glucose can keep us energized for more hours and can help us to control cravings and hunger during the day.
Beside these,fasting in Ramadan has other benefits like boosting our immunity,resolving inflammatory response,tranquility of mind and soul,lasting appetite reduction etc.
However,as fasting in Ramadan has a ink with our physical status,we should take some medical condition into consideration.People with type-1 diabetes,uncontrolled migraines,peptic ulcer disease,pregnant mother,breastfeeding mothers,individuals with cardiac arrhythmia and people on dialysis are advised not to fast or approach fasting with caution.
But before taking any decision about fasting,we should make a conversation with specialized doctors for better instruction and information.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Health Benefits of Fasting

Health Benefits  of Fasting                                                                                                    Dr M.R Sa,ad

Ramadan, the month of blessing,is here again which is known as month of fasting in the Islamic Calendar.In this holy month , Muslims are prescribed to fast from dawn to dusk.Achiveing the main objective of allah by spiritual means is the main objective fasting.Other then spiritual benefits,fasting has many psychological&physical well-being as well.

Ramadan is the 9th month of Islamic Calendar (Hijra).since Hijra is a lunar calendar,
Ramadan occurs of different times in the seasonal year over a 33-year cycle.In recent years,Ramadan has moved increasingly in to the hot summer season which brings long day times in the northerm hemisphere and sweltering heat for many countries including Bangladesh.
There are lots of adverse effects of general fasting as wellas dieting.In most cases,general fasting,commonly known as starvation or dieting leads to mainntrition,physical weakness,inadequate calorie intake etc.But Islamic fasting is different fromsuch fasting,starvation or dieting.
The article will take alook at some of the advantages and health benefits of Ramadan.
It is noted that the international Congress on health and Ramadan which was held in Casablanca.Morocco in 1994,covered 50 studies on the medical of Ramadan and noted narious improvement in the health conditions of those who fast.

The effect on physical and mental health of theMonth-long intermittent fasting hass been studied by many international research organizations but the majority of the studies have found health problems arising from the fast.Here are some health benefits

we can achieve from fasting.

Lowers Cholesterol level:
A study conducted in 1997 in the annals of nutrition metabolism demonstrated that fasting lowered bad  LDL cholesterol level by 8 percent and increased by 30 percent and increased good HdL levels by 14.3 percent.Thus low cholesterol promotes cardiovascular health and reduces the riskof suffering from cardiovascular diseases or a stroke.

Lessens blood sugar:
When anyone spend extended hous without eating or drinking,your body uses up stored glucose for energy.Fasting increases breakdown of stored carbohydrate so that the body can get energy.A team of Cardiologists in the UAE found people obsertiving Ramadan enjoys a positive effect on their lipid profile which means there is a reduction of cholesterol in the blood.

Controls blood pressure:
Fasting is one of the non-drug methods of reducing blood pressure.It helps to decrease the risk of atherosclerosis, clogging of arteries by fat particles.During fasting,glucose and later on fat stores are used to produce energy.Metabolic rate is also reduced during fasting.The fear-fight hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline are also reduced.This keeps the metabolism steady and within limits.The benefit is a reduction in blood pressure.